Payments and Refund Policy
Payments and Refund Policy
- Any Complaints related to Payment, Registration, Course study, Technical Error, Administrative Error, etc. will be entertained if filed within three days after purchasing the course.
- No Complaints will be entertained if filed after three days of course purchase.
- Payment for courses and certifications is required before access is granted. All payments are processed securely and Study Badshah Pvt. Ltd. stores no payment information.
- Refund policies are standard for each course and certification i.e. the user of the course is only eligible for the refund if the course has not been started or reached a 10% completion point within three days of the purchase.
- If the course has been opened and completed more than 10% no refund will be granted.
- You are responsible for reviewing and understanding the refund policy before paying.
- In any dispute whatever maximum anyone can claim is the cost (fee) of the particular course that the user had paid to Study Badshah Pvt Ltd.