About Study Badshah

Study Badshah - About Us, Platform Features, Vision & Mission, and Domains

Welcome to StudyBadshah.com, a revolutionary e-learning platform, accredited by American Council of Training and Development, dedicated to offering quality education to students who aspire to pursue skill courses but find the high fees unaffordable. Our mission aligns with the Skill India and Digital India initiatives being promoted by the Government of India. Study Badshah aims to bridge this gap by providing high-quality content and education at an extremely nominal price. 

Study Badshah is an associate company of Neeraj Publications, a 40-year-old publishing house renowned for developing Educational Books and Study Material in both hard copy and E-learning formats. Neerajbooks.com has been providing educational resources to students, universities, colleges, and other educational institutions, particularly focusing on online education and open distance learning courses.

Study Badshah aims to offer Easy Study and Quick Learning through Short-Term Online Courses at affordable prices with top-notch content quality.

Course Categories

Our courses cover a variety of categories, including:

  • Marketing
  • AI, ML, and Data Analytics
  • Computers and IT
  • Business and Management
  • Mass Media and Journalism
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Speaking and General Skills
  • Social Work
Our Platform Offers

Module-Wise Study Material c-enrold-1

A structured approach to learning, with In-depth Study Materials provided for each module to understand the topic better in an easy format.

Video Tutorials camera

Module-wise video tutorials that explain each topic briefly through textual, pictorial and graphical with audio explanation representations to enhance your learning experience.

Important Questions with Answers 1b

This section includes essential questions with their answers for each module to solidify the student’s knowledge.

Practice Interview Questions test

After studying each module, check yourself with practice questions that will prepare you for job interviews & real-world scenarios.

Final Exam Quiz exam

A comprehensive quiz at the end of the course to test the student’s overall Study and Knowledge of the course

Course Completion Certificate certificate

A Course Study Completion Certificate is awarded upon achieving at least 50% marks in the Final Exam Quiz.

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide an accessible, affordable, and high-quality learning experience to every aspiring student in India and anywhere in the world. We want to offer quality education to the youth of our country and to people who are willing to learn but lack the time and also can't affor the high course fee. Study Badshah will offer such people Easy Study, Quick Learning through Short Term Online Courses at down-to-earth pricing and utmost quality making education available to all.